Bollywood Celebs Who Are Vegetarians
Aamir Khan

The Mr. Perfectionist of Bollywood took the decision to eat vegan food at the time when he was prompted by a video about eating healthy that his wife Kiran Rao showed him. She herself is a vegan, and wanted to do her bit to prevent cruelty to animals. After this, Aamir has self-admittedly quit using any animal products and by-products such milk, ghee, dairy sweets, eggs etc. The actor even made a statement, “At the end of it, I was convinced that vegans are way ahead of non-vegetarians and even vegetarians”. He was also named the hottest vegetarians of 2015 by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA).
Sonam Kapoor

The fashion icon of Bollywood, Sonam Kapoor gave up eating meat a few years ago but recently she also turned vegan. The actress who loved seafood and curd, gave up dairy and meat for betterment of her health. Due to which, she is in better shape now. Sonam’s doctor advised her that her body was not reacting well to dairy and that is when she decided to give it up for her health.