Punjab Cop Tells Women To Put Men To Work At Home During Lockdown, Twitter Reacts
In a video shared online, a Punjab cop is requesting women to put men to work at home during the lockdown.
This Punjab cop telling women to put men to work at home during #lockdownindia wins the Internet. Go home yo!!! pic.twitter.com/kwHtBPMuit
— Nistula Hebbar (@nistula) March 27, 2020
In the video he says:
“Everyone knows the state of coronavirus disease in India. The PM and CMs of different states have been talking about it.”
“Hence, I would like to request all my sisters that if the men at home are idle, saying that it’s getting difficult for them to stay indoors, put them to work.”
“Tell them to clean your homes and terraces. Ask them to wash utensils and clothes. Ghar di safai hoegi, coronavirus di safai hoegi, naley inna di v safai hoegi.”
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He further adds, “They’ll also learn to cook in these 21-days so women don’t have to think who’ll cook food for the family in their absence.”
“When they’re at home, you take them to task, if they’ll come out, we’ll take care of them. They are aimlessly roaming around while you work day and night.”
“So if they don’t want to rest at home in the next three weeks, then let them work at home.”